Announcements - January 19, 2025
Altar flowers are given to the Glory of God in honor of Pat Morral's birthday by Michele Breyley.
​​Thank you to Pastor Cathy Ammlung for leading worship today.
​​​​St. Paul Sermon Schedule
January 26 Pastor Paul Larson
February 2 Pastor Cathy Ammlung
February 9 Kathy Shuck
February 16 Pastor Paul Larson
Our annual congregational meeting will be held immediately after worship this morning.
Dear Friends in Christ, Thank you so much for the beautiful Christmas gift we received from you in December. It is a true joy to worship with you and an honor and privilege to serve God's people at St. Paul's Lutheran. We pray for God's Wonderful Blessings for you in the New Year! In Christ's Love Pastor Paul & Kristi Larson
Saturday, January 25, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 181 will have their annual Make and Bake Auction beginning at 6 PM. Proceeds will go to Darlene Boudinot and Brooke Lane. Brooke is the daughter of Dave and Sharon Shealy. Both Brooke and Darlene are undergoing chemo after having cancer surgery. All proceeds will be given to help them and their families. Donations can be sent to ALA Unit 181, 123 E. Rensselaer St., Bucyrus, OH 44820 earmarked Make & Bake. For more information call Bev Robertson at 419-563-6177.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Anyone wanting to donate to the NALC Disaster Response may mark your envelope accordingly. Donations aid tornado and other natural disaster victims.
Fill the Suitcase - The Women of the Church are asking for your support of our Midwest Medical Missions. Medical professionals from the Midwest take time away from their work to provide care to impoverished areas. Each professional has to pay for their own flight and lodging. Most of the supplies they need must be taken at their own expense again. Covid limitations stopped the trips for the last years. In 2025 they are going to the Dominican Republic for a week of surgeries. We would like to "Fill the Suitcase". We are asking for cash donations that will be used for toiletries (soap and washcloths), cleansing wipes, and flip-flop shoes. A donation of toothbrushes and toothpaste has already been committed to. Hospital gowns are being made. this is limited to just two weeks as everything must fit into a suitcase. this congregation is so supportive! Any funds not used in purchasing supplies will be used for possible overweight fees and location fees in the Dominican Republic. We learned this through Jennifer Geiger who will be making her third trip. Gently used T-shirts suitable for hot and humid climate, size large and extra large will also be appreciated. Thanks for the support.
​​​​​​​​​​​​If there is a need for a Pastor, please call the church office at 419-562-5858.